Our baked goods stand for enjoyment and love of life. For Generations the sweet pleasure of biscuits has been associated with the Bahlsen name. The unmistakable taste, the consistently high quality and trust in the product have made Bahlsen what it is today: a successful and modern family company. The company owes this strong position to a history going back more than 130 years.
The company was founded on 1 July as Hermann Bahlsen (1859–1919) takes over the “Fabrikgeschäft engl. Cakes und Biscuits” company on Friesenstrasse in Hannover from H. Schmuckler and renames it “Hannoversche Cakesfabrik H. Bahlsen”.
1889Hermann Bahlsen introduces the LEIBNIZ Cakes onto the market. As it is common practice to name food products after public figures, Hermann Bahlsen names his cakes after Hanover’s well known inhabitant: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716).
1891The company employs 100 staff members. At the world exhibition in Chicago, Bahlsen receives the gold medal for the “LEIBNIZ Cakes”. The official reason stated by the jury: “Several competitors imitate the LEIBNIZ Cakes in one or another way; but only Bahlsen captures the fine taste of butter.”
1893The prancing Saxony-Horse (later Lower-Saxony-Horse) is registered as the company trade mark. A distribution warehouse follows the new office in Berlin in 1898. By 1914 there are innovative sample stores in every major German city.
1896Germany’s second neon sign advertisement proclaims LEIBNIZ Cakes above Potsdamer Platz in Berlin.
1898Bahlsen is again awarded a gold medal at the Exposition Universelle in Paris for its “specialities”.
1900The new dust and moisture-resistant TET packaging is introduced onto the market. The TET sign, featuring an oval with a snake and three dots deriving from an ancient Egypt hieroglyphic meaning ‘everlasting’, is originally pronounced as “dschet”, but simplified to “TET”. The TET-packaging is the first packaging made of paper-board with the ability to keep the biscuit enduringly fresh.
1904Besides the first punch card, Bahlsen introduces Europe's first assembly line, eight years before Henry Ford adopts it in the automotive industry.
1905The products „NOCH EINE“ ice waffle and „ABC“ are introduced onto the market, helping the company on its upward surge.
1906Hermann Bahlsen changes the English word „cakes“ into „Keks“. Some years later, the new term is officially approved and incorporated in the German Duden [dictionary]. The company moves into the new factory building in Lister Straße and the new headquarters in Podbielskistraße. Pictures, sculptures, and ornaments create a pleasant working environment. Several social institutions arise.
1911The company is renamed “H. BAHLSENs Keksfabrik”. Twelve million “TET packages” are sold. The in-house employee newspaper “LEIBNIZ BUTTERBLÄTTER” is published for the first time.
1912The model for a large factory including residences in Hannover, the so-called “TET City”, is presented. The further course of the war prohibits the implementation of the plans made by Bernhard Hoetger.
1917By the end of the war the lack of raw materials almost completely disrupts production. Only one of the 25 ovens is operational.
1918Hermann Bahlsen dies on 6 November 1919. He is succeeded by three of his four sons; 1919 Hans Bahlsen (1901–1959), 1922 Werner Bahlsen (1904–1985) and 1930 Klaus Bahlsen (1908–1991). Together with a young management team, the second Bahlsen generation starts restructuring and modernising the company after the economic decline that had resulted from inflation and the Great Depression.
1919During the Nazi time, Bahlsen did take advantage of the economic opportunities offered by National Socialism. The Bahlsen brothers, all of whom were Nazi party members, did not act as top representatives of the NSDAP, but they were in contact with NSDAP functionaries. At times, they supported the SS finacially.
1933The Second World War breaks out two months after Bahlsen celebrates its 50th anniversary. Food products are rationed and raw materials are short. Biscuits are only sold against bread stamps. Many employees are conscripted into the German army. The technical office must discontinue its research and development work. The assortment of products is reduced to eleven products while emergency rations for the army and crisp bread are added.
1939At the end of the war, 60 percent of the factory and almost all the distribution centres had been destroyed. As Bahlsen was considered an indispensable food producer, the company received a production licence already in April 1945.
1945In order to ensure high quality standards, Bahlsen establishes its own physical and chemical laboratories. Furthermore, Bahlsen is one of the first German companies to be issued an export licence. The first foreign shipment goes to Switzerland.
1950Under the direction of Werner Bahlsen the company starts exporting products to the USA.
1952Hermann Bahlsen (1927–2014), the son of Hans Bahlsen, joins the company, opening up the era of the third generation. At the same time Bahlsen introduces the first air-tight and waterproof package, the so-called “stiff thermoplastic package” – a welded aluminium foil – onto the market, setting new standards regarding freshness and extended shelf-life. By now Bahlsen is exporting to 74 countries.
1956The Barsinghausen plant, the Europe’s most modern production site, is inaugurated.
1959Foundation of the first Bahlsen sales companies in France and Italy. Austria and other countries follow.
1960Productions begins at the Varel plant in Friesland.
1963Bahlsen introduces Peanut Flips onto the German market and expands its snack assortment in a cooperation with the Flessner Company in Neu-Isenburg.
1964Bahlsen enters the cake business by taking over the Brokat Bakery in Oldenburg. By now Bahlsen employs 7,000 staff members in total.
1966The Berlin production plant goes into operation. Bahlsen of North America is founded as well as the affiliated companies in Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
1967With four employees, the distribution company in Belgium is founded. Initially, the company focusses on Brussels as the main area of distribution. Later on the distribution expands with country wide delivery.
1969Bahlsen Spain and Bahlsen UK are founded.
1972The new administrative centre in Hannover is opened at the site where TET City was originally supposed to be built.
1974Werner M. Bahlsen, Werner Bahlsen’s youngest son, joins the company. His brother Lorenz Bahlsen already joined in 1973.
1975Production in the United States begins with the acquisition of Austin Quality Foods in North Carolina. Bahlsen employs approximately 11,200 members of staff.
1980Due to shortage of space, production in the headquarters in Hannover, the oldest factory of the company, is outsourced to plant in Barsinghausen.
1987Bahlsen celebrates its 100th Birthday.
1989The new distribution warehouse in Langenhagen, near Hanover, comes into service. More than 100 employees ensue smooth-running logistics. Furthermore, Bahlsen acquires the Polish company “Unimarex”. At a later date, the company is renamed to “Poznan”.
1992Bahlsen acquires the Skawina food company in Poland with its approximately 1,100 employees.
1993Acquisition of St. Michel (France) - a biscuit producing family enterprise with more than 90 years standing. St. Michel continues to be the national brand for Breton biscuits and cakes.
1994The “H. Bahlsens Keksfabrik KG” changes its name to “Bahlsen KG”. Acquisition of shares from the Brandt Company as well as from the Gottena subsidiary.
1995Hermann Bahlsen leaves the company and takes over all shares of the former subsidiary “Austin Quality Foods“, Cary /North Carolina.
1996Bahlsen launches PiCK UP! in Germany, Austria and France, successfully entering the snack bar market.
1999The company is split off into the “sweet” (Bahlsen) and “snack” (Lorenz) segments and the Von Nordeck Group.
Bahlsen joins the “Foundation Initiative for the Compensation of Former Enforced Labourers during the Second World War”.
The original headquarters in Podbielskistraße 11 once again becomes the new headquarters. Extensive reconstruction turns the traditional building - that is under a preservation order - into a modern office building.
2000Bahlsen relocates cake production from its factory in Oldenburg to the nearby production plant in Varel. The newly integrated production facility for cakes enables innovation in technology.
2005After wide-ranging modernisation work, the Barsinghausen plant is awarded the “Factory of the Year” prize. The “Factory of the Year” is an annual benchmarking event known as the toughest benchmarking test for manufacturing companies throughout Europe.
2011Unknown thieves steal the Golden Biscuit from the Pretzel Men sculpture on the façade of the company's headquarters in Hannover, attracting the attention of newspapers and television stations around the world.
2013On 1 July 2014 Bahlsen becomes 125 years old. In October 2014, the anniversary is celebrated officially. For the first time in the history of the company, all 2,500 employees from around the world are invited to Hannover.
2014LEIBNIZ butter biscuits celebrates its 125th anniversary – one of the world’s oldest branded products.
2016The international Bahlsen Group has acquired a majority of Rawbite ApS, the Danish organic food brand and producer of organic fruit and nut bars.
2016Werner M. Bahlsen withdraws from the Management Board to head the newly founded Governance Board of the Bahlsen Group. The members of the Management Board lead jointly future company operations. For the first time in recent Bahlsen history, no member of the Bahlsen family is on the Management Board. The Governance Board is responsible for the long-term strategic alignment of the Bahlsen Group.
2018Bahlsen cooperates with the food start-up incubator KITCHENTOWN from Silicon Valley. KITCHENTOWN provides start-ups with production areas with various technical facilities for the development of products. In cooperation with Bahlsen, the business model is now to be established in Berlin. www.kitchentown.de
In 2019 Bahlsen assigns historian Professor Dr. Manfred Grieger to examine an independent review of the company's history. The investigation is to be completed by mid 2023 and a final report will be available.
Werner M. Bahlsen hands over the company to the next generation. Johannes and Andreas Bahlsen become members of the Governance Board, Verena Bahlsen represents the fourth generation in the company as active shareholder. She leaves the company at the end of 2022 to pursue her own projects.
The Bahlsen brand is changing the design of its packaging as part of a global relaunch. The new look puts the brand at the center of attention and anchors it more firmly in design again: modern, classic and unmistakable. Design elements that have made Bahlsen famous are used: the blue lettering and the TET logo.
2021The traditional brand proudly presents itself in a new design. Along with this, LEIBNIZ is integrating Nutri Scores in many countries for the first time. It can be seen on all LEIBNIZ products. At the same time, LEIBNIZ is launching "Fruits", a product with Nutri Score A, on the market.
2022Our favorite bar gets a global relaunch to shine in it's a new design and packaging. PiCK UP! now shines in different colors. The packaging is a folding box that is 100 percent recyclable. This saves on plastic.
2022The Polish subsidiary celebrates its 30th anniversary. In 1993, Bahlsen took over a food combine in Skawina near Krakow. In the years that followed, the company, which also has its own production site, was continuously expanded.
In 2019, following public criticism, Bahlsen commissioned the historian Prof. Dr Manfred Grieger to conduct an independent academic study on the company's role during the Nazi time. The academic research by the team of authors, which was expanded to include Prof. Dr Hartmut Berghoff, took more than four years. The result is a company history that covers the time period from before the First World War and extends to the early Federal Republic of Germany. The book is presented to the public in August 2024.
Here is a brief summary of the authors' findings and a personal statement from the family.